Training / Personal Coaching

Training and Personal Coaching are my services that aim to get you to the place that you want in terms psychological ability. Of course you can train or learn yourself to get where you wanted to, however it would be better if you are trained or coached by someone who understand your goal more.

When we talk about training, it is more than 1 person, maybe a group, a batch of school pupils or a division of a company. All in all, if you think that a group of people in your institution need to be a better in term of psychological ability, I can help you.

When we talk about personal coaching, it is only for 1 person. In this service I will have a direct and intense contact with the person and prepare material for him/her to achieve what he wants. You can imagine Personal Coaching as private tutor but not about school lesson, rather more on life skills. Please take note that personal coaching is different with consultation or counseling. Here some few differences

  1. You seek counseling where you are in stressed, while personal coaching your mental health are perfectly all right. You are not heavily disturbed by the situation, rather, you want to develop yourself.
  2. You seek consultation if you only want to know about your situation, what should you do, what are the psychological theories behind it, where to go. Consultation is about asking for information
  3. Personal Coaching is when I prepare everything for you, and you just need to believe in me that I can help you achieve your goals.

What to expect from this service.


  1. A series of sessions that help the participant achieve the goals that is set by the institution
  2. Every sessions consist of various treatment, tailor-fitted to the goals.
  3. Depends on the goal, the result of the training may visible directly after the training or will be visible for some period of time after the training.

Personal Coaching

  1. A first meeting discussing about the goals, and together set the goals.
  2. A series of sessions that help the participant achieve the goals that is already set before.
  3. Depends on the goal, the result of the training may visible directly after the coaching or will be visible for some period of time after the coaching


For my Training and Personal Coaching services fee information, visit this link.