Here you can read some of the testimonials given by my clients.
Rating: 5 / 5
konselornya bagus.. Sabar dan bijak dalam menjawab masalah 🙂
English Translation: The Counselor is good.. wise and patient in answering the concern 🙂
Concern: Depression
Service: Chat Counseling
"A", Male 23, Client from Riliv.
Rating: 5 / 5
setelah saya menerima masukan – masukan & nasehat dari pak Wisnu hati saya mulai ada harapan dan mau berusaha bangkit dari keterpurukan saya didalam masalah2 hidup yang saya hadapi. Terimakasih banyak pak Wisnu 🙂
English Translation: After receiving suggestions from Mr. Wisnu, hope starting to grow in my heart, I am now willing to come up, and get better from this life difficulties that i’m facing. Thank you so much Mr. Wisnu 🙂
Concern: Depression
Service: Chat Counseling
"L", Male 29, Client from Riliv.
Rating: 5 / 5
Alhamdulillah konsultasi yang diberikan sangat membantu saya. Metode yang diberikan sangat ringan dan mudah dipahami sehingga permasalahan saya terbantu oleh dokter Wisnu. Harapan Saya semoga dokter Wisnu sukses dan saya pun normal kembali. Aamiin
English Translation: Alhamdulilah, the consultation is very helpful. Doctor Wisnu help to solve my concern in a very simple and easily understood method. I hope that Doctor Wisnu will be successful and, I will recover soon. Amen
Concern: Anxiety
Service: Chat Counseling
"L", Female 22, Client from Riliv.
Rating: 4 / 5
sangat ramah dan nyaman untuk diajak curhat, meski kadang banyak sekali pertanyaan yang diajukan .. tapi tetap membantu
English Translation: very friendly and nice to talk to regrding my personal concern although sometimes too many questions being asked. But still, helpful.
Concern: Life Philosophy and Dating Relationship.
Service: Chat Counseling
"S", Female 30, Client from Riliv.
Rating: 4 / 5
Concern: Dating Relationship
Service: Chat Counseling
"R", Male 24, Client from Riliv.
Rating: 5 / 5
sip ya. Cara diskusinya santai dan enak. Serta penjelasannya mudah dicerna. Terimakasih.
English Translation: Good. The discussion was relax and nicely done. The explanation was also easy to understand. Thank You
Concern: Life Philosophy, Family, Career and Social Relationship.
Service: Chat Counseling
"N", Female 25, Client from Riliv.
Rating: 5 / 5
Sangat bermanfaat dan membantu saya dalam permasalahan
English Translation: Very useful and helping me in my concern 🙂
Concern: Career
Service: Chat Counseling
"V", Male 22, Client from Riliv.
Rating: 5 / 5
lega setelah cerita semuanya sm bpk.. makasih ya pak 🙂
English Translation: I feel so relieved after telling everything to you Mister. Thanks Mister 🙂
Concern: Dating Relationship
Service: Chat Counseling
"R", Female 22, Client from Riliv.
Rating: 5 / 5
sangat membantu 🙂
English Translation: very helpful 🙂
Concern: Dating Relationship
Service: Chat Counseling
"N", Female 21, Client from Riliv.
Rating: 5 / 5
sabarrrrrrrrrrr, perlahan2, step by step.
English Translation: extremely patient, slowly, step by step.
Concern: Anxiety
Service: Chat Counseling
"P", Female 21, Client from Riliv
Rating: 5 / 5
Terimakasih banyak mas Endro 🙂 sangat banyak membantu. Walaupun tdk menyelesaikan masalah, tapi membantu saya mencari solusi
English Translation: Thank you very much Mr. Endro 🙂 really helpful. Even though not solving the concern, but really help me in finding solution.
Concern: Anxiety
Service: Chat Counseling
"M", Female 23, Client from Riliv
Rating: 10 / 10
Sangat memuaskan. Respon cepat, solusi tepat.
English Translation: Very satisfying. Quick respond, appropriate solution.
Concern: Career, Dating
Service: Chat Counseling
"A", Male 25
Rating: 5 / 5
terima kasih, saya mendapat solusi dan merasa lebih tenang
English Translation: thank you, I’ve got the solution and feeling calmer
Concern: Career
Service: Phone Counseling
"R", Female 22, Client from Riliv
Rating: 5 / 5
good respon
—Concern: Marital Relationship
Service: Chat Counseling
"M", Female 25, Client from Riliv.
Rating: 5 / 5
Profesional, dan pelan2 menggali inti permasalahan
English Translation: Professional and slowly in “digging” the core of the concern
Concern: Career
Service: Chat Counseling
"M", Male 24, Client from Riliv
Rating: 5 /5
—Concern: Anxiety
Service: Chat Counseling
"A", Female 31, Client from Riliv
Rating: 5 / 5
Terima kasih sudah memahami dan memberikan solusi terbaik bagi permasalahan saya. I feel so relieved 🙂
English Translation: Thanks for understanding and giving me the best solution for my concern. I feel so relieved.
—Service: Chat Counseling
Unknown, Client from Riliv
Rating: 5 / 5
Terimakasih Pak Wisnu telah membantu saya memberikan pemikiran2 positif agar rasa ketakutan saya berkurang
English Translation: Thanks Mr. Wisnu for giving positive thoughts that lessen my anxiety.
—Service: Chat Counseling
Unknown, Client from Riliv